Maki Sugimoto

Check out my Japanese site for more (useless) personal info !

Face Maki Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Mail Code 0114
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA, 92093-0114 USA

Office: 4839 AP&M
Phone: (858)453-4364

My resume is available in HTML and plain text.

No, I am not flashing a Japanese gangster sign. I'm just hiding my unshaved beard.

Hi, I'm a M.S. student in the Computer Science department at UCSD. I'm a member of GURU (Gary's Unbelievable Research Unit) led by Prof. Gary Cottrell in the Artificial Intelligence lab. My current research makes use of neural networks as a cognitive modeling tool. I would like to think my research has been more about the human cognition system rather than just computers. Once I graduate, however, I want to work on real world applications of data driven approaches including but not limited to neural networks.


Come spot me!

If you can't find me "working" in the lab or sleeping in my apartment, these are good places to start with:

Let me show you the San Diego in my eyes...