Welcome to the CSE 141-Summer 2003 Home page.

Last update: July 29, 2003

Module 9: Finals (July 30, 2003)
Module 8: Virtual Memory and I/O (July 28, 2003)
Module 7: Memory, Caches and I/O (July 23, 2003)
Module 7: Pipelining (July 21, 2003)
Module 6: Mid-term and some real stuff CPUs (July 16, 2003)
Module 5: A multi-cycle CPU (July 14, 2003)
Module 4: A single cycle CPU: Datapath (July 9, 2003)
Module 3: More Arithmetic, Floating Point (July 7, 2003)
Module 2: Performance, Arithmetic (July 2, 2003)
Module 1: Introduction, Instruction Sets (June 30, 2003)

Some interesting links


Instructor: Tarun Soni

Teaching Assistants: Eric Liu, Wenjing Rao

Time: Monday, Wednesday 6pm-8:50pm

Place: CENTR 119

Section ID: 473213

Office Hours: Tarun Soni: Monday : 4-6 pm in AP&M 3151

TA Office Hours:

Text book: Patterson and Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design, The Hardware Software Interface, Morgan Kaufman, Second Edition.

Homeworks: The policy ( html , pdf )

Grading: The plan

Other stuff: I will try and supplement material in the course with "hands-on" fun things to do. Examples include running benchmarks on CS machines or testing CS machines for floating point accuracy. These are not required and certainly not expected in the course and are primarily meant for your enjoyment, however if you do run some of these exercises, drop me a note.