Research interests

Nuno Bandeira, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Dept. Computer Science and Engineering
Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Executive director,
NCRR/NIH Biomedical Technology Research
Center for Computational Mass Spectrometry

Email: (replace leftmost dot with @)
Phone: 1-858-534-8666
Office: EBU3B 4210 (CSE building)

Mailing address:
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, Mail Code 0404
La Jolla, CA 92093-0404, USA

Research interests

Broadly defined, my main research interests are in bioinformatics and computational biology, with a special focus on computational mass spectrometry. I am particularly interested in algorithmic and statistical problems in proteomics and on how mass spectrometry instruments can be used to identify and quantify proteins, post-translational modifications, protein structure features and protein-protein interactions.

A significant part of my recent work stems from the novel Spectral Networks paradigm introduced by our group - in a departure from previous approaches that interpret each spectrum in isolation, spectral networks algorithms derive consensus interpretations for groups of spectra from overlapping peptides. By focusing on the detection, assembly and consensus interpretation of multiple spectra from overlapping peptides it becomes possible to address new challenges such as: how to reconstruct a protein sequence given only MS/MS spectra of some of its subsequences? Find this answer and more right here!

Spectral Networks: A New Approach to the Identification of Proteins and Post-translational Modifications
Archived webcast courtesy of the Proteomics Interest Group (ProtIG), NIH

Overlapping MS/MS Spectra and Disease Proteomics
HUPO 2006 Young investigator Award
(news release)

Some of our research has been covered in the news

Conference organization